Fostering a positive sense of belonging, and building connections for isolated and remote children, families, and communities.
While separate services, Royal Flying Doctor Service South Eastern Section (RFDS SE) and Contact are working towards finding ways to address health and wellbeing needs for isolated children, families, and community in an outback, remote area service delivery context.
RuralCONNECT is the resulting Contact and RFDS SE partnership ‘product’ working towards health and wellbeing outcomes for remote and isolated outback children, young people, and their families.
To date, RuralCONNECT’s focus has been upon north-western NSW regions encompassing the small villages of Louth, Tilpa and Wanaaring and surrounding regions.
A shared approach with families and the community forms the basis of all RuralCONNECT actions

Connect isolated children
Connecting isolated children and their families, with others in the region, as well as promoting a range of support services.

Services and programs
Facilitating opportunities to build families knowledge of available services and programs.

Supporting as appropriate, children and families recovery from the adverse impacts of natural disaster’s.

Wanaaring Child and Family Fun Day
Wednesday, 21 June 2023
Connecting children, families, and community members with Hearing Australia, Dr Camilla Gordon, Royal Flying Doctor Service South Eastern Section (RFDS SE) Child and Family Nurse and Mental Health professionals and the Bourke and District Children’s Services- Mobile.